The State of Michigan spent $2,532,285 on public education employees working at the Kaleva Norman Dickson School District in 2021, making this the 527th-ranked organization in terms of total salary paid by the state.
The State of Michigan spent $3,640,355 on public education employees working at Johannesburg-Lewiston Area Schools in 2021, making this the 473rd-ranked organization in terms of total salary paid by the state.
The State of Michigan spent $7,413,132 on public education employees working at Kingsley Area Schools in 2021, making this the 312th-ranked organization in terms of total salary paid by the state.
The State of Michigan spent $5,447,376 on public education employees working at Kirtland Community College in 2021, making this the 388th-ranked organization in terms of total salary paid by the state.
The State of Michigan spent $8,067,113 on public education employees working at Kalkaska Public Schools in 2021, making this the 292nd-ranked organization in terms of total salary paid by the state.
Two Accountancy licenses held by individuals from Wexford County are set to expire during the third quarter, according to Michigan's Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA).
The State of Michigan spent $3,223,620 on public education employees working at Leland Public School in 2021, making this the 496th-ranked organization in terms of total salary paid by the state.
The State of Michigan spent $5,752,007 on public education employees working at Lake City Area Schools in 2021, making this the 373rd-ranked organization in terms of total salary paid by the state.